Cargo Insurance - Goods in Transit

How Many Shipping Containers Are Lost At Sea?


According to a report from the World Shipping Council (WSC), an estimated 1,382 shipping containers are lost at sea each year. This figure is derived from three-year averages calculated over a span of 12 years, representing approximately 80% of the global vessel container capacity. However, this data only extends until 2019.

More recent estimates present a more alarming scenario. Between November 2020 and January 2021, a staggering 2,675 sea containers were reported lost at sea. Additionally, 2021 saw the most significant increase in lost shipping containers since 2013. These figures underscore the growing concern surrounding container loss incidents and highlight the need for enhanced safety measures and oversight within the shipping industry.

Superior Freight Services offer peace of mind. Insure your cargo for loss or damage in transit. (exclusions apply) Goods in Transit Insurance covers all modes of transport.
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